A little social media update
I have been retreating from Twitter for a long time, tending to use Instagram much more instead. I love Instagram and that’s the best place to follow me if you want to see mediocre photos of my daily life – mostly of Beckett the dog, meals Tim and I have cooked, and books I’m reading. I also have a Flickr account, from back when I took photography semi-seriously as a hobby. I still post some stuff there when I get out the DSLR, or even more rarely my beautiful film camera (I have an Olympus OM1N).
Last year I switched from Goodreads to Storygraph for tracking what I read, and I can definitely recommend that if you’re more interested in statistics and recommendations than chat groups and followers.
This week I have followed the hordes and created a Mastodon account. I’m @kate_in_a_book@mas.to if you want to follow me. I’m still feeling my way, figuring out how it all works. I suspect this blog and Instagram will remain my primary outlets, but it will be nice if I can find something like Twitter used to be: a source of interesting tidbits of information and the chance to chat with cool people.
Anyway, I’m not deleting my Twitter account just yet but I’m not cross-posting there and Mastodon identically either, as I think the tone is quite different. I’ll see how I get on and it would be good to see some more friendly faces pop up there.