August 2020 reading round-up

There’s not a lot to round up this month on the reading front. Not only did I fail to write any book reviews (or even a TV review), I also only read two books. Unless you count books about dog care, in which case I have read (and re-read) a further two books. I guess four isn’t a terrible total.
You see, Beckett – our new dog – takes up all of our time and energy. Which we expected in the early months. She can be hilarious, frustrating, soppy and needy. We know if we put the work in now she will be the best doggy companion ever.
I also now have less time for watching films. With most nights’ sleep interrupted, I have found myself falling asleep far earlier in the evening – often during a film. I did stay awake for Breakfast With Scot, which I thoroughly enjoyed. And on our first night with Beckett we rewatched Jurassic Park, so that has a special place in our memories now. Plus I really do think it helped Beckett to cope well with the thunder and lightning storms we have had quite a lot of this month.
Yesterday, Tim and I celebrated 18 years together. We cooked and ate delicious food, played computer games and took Beckett for a long walk (in a carrier, as she isn’t fully vaccinated yet). It was pretty great, even in the midst of a scary pandemic.
I hope you have a great September.
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