Sunday Salon: Too busy to get anything done
It has been a week and a half since I last posted anything, which I think is my longest break from the blog. Even when we were on holiday for two and a half weeks I scheduled posts in advance. I have been rubbish. Not that I expect anyone is desperately waiting for my next update, but it’s still a bit rubbish. I could blame it on tiredness and illness, and there has been a bit of that, but mostly I’ve been crazy busy (and no, I agree, tired and ill and busy is not a good combo).
We’ve been having some building work done on our house. Actually, quite a lot of building work. Which leads to a fair bit of DIY, decorating and of course cleaning for us to do. LOTS of cleaning. I haven’t done any real exercise since we went on holiday at the end of August but I feel I’ve made up for it with all the scrubbing and hoovering and whatnot.
We’re nowhere near ready to show after photos yet but for an idea of the chaos that is our house right now, here is how much we dust-sheeted before the work began (plus sealing up all the doors we could)…
…and it was totally necessary. Black sooty dust everywhere. We don’t have photos of that because it was too dusty to get cameras out. Yeah. Nice. But on the plus side DIY with my Dad and the dogs is fun.
Now it’s back to the grindstone. Happy Sunday!