February reading round-up

I finally feel that I’m in the swing of reading this year. February was a good month. I discovered Bidisha thanks to an English PEN event on refugees, I had a very lovely Valentine’s weekend with Tim in London and I finally got to see Kate Tempest live. I also found plenty of time for reading.
I also started contributing to Redhead Reads, a micro newsletter published daily by Beulah Devaney, a fab feminist writer I first discovered through For Books’ Sake. So that’s pretty exciting.
However, while I went to lots of fun events and read lots of books, I didn’t read any great books. I miss that feeling, the feeling of a great read that pulls you in and won’t let you go. There must be plenty of them on my TBR, I just keep picking out the wrong ones!
Ex Machina Vol. 2: Tag by Brian K Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister and J D Mettler (short review)
Asylum and Exile: the Hidden Voices of London by Bidisha (review)
Getting the Picture by Sarah Salway (review)
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (review)
Modesty Blaise: The Grim Joker by Peter O’Donnell and Enric Badia Romero (short review)
The Secret Service: Kingsman by Mark Millar, Dave Gibbons and Matthew Vaughn (short review)
Paris was Yesterday: 1925–1939 by Janet Flanner
Short stories
“This is not for you” by Gemma Files (Nightmare Magazine, issue 25, October 2014, Women Destroy Horror! Special Issue)
“Sideshow” by Catherine MacLeod (Nightmare Magazine, issue 25, October 2014, Women Destroy Horror! Special Issue)
“The Ormulu Clock” by Muriel Spark (New Yorker Fiction podcast)
“Claire de lune” by Steven Millhauser (Selected Shorts podcast)
“Night people” by Sherman Alexie (Selected Shorts podcast)
“Luck” by Richard Bausch (Selected Shorts podcast)