September reading round-up

We have had a lovely, if busy, September. We started the month on holiday, which is a pretty good start to anything! I didn’t get much reading done there, but when I came home I started whizzing through books. I still haven’t posted about the second half of our holiday because I haven’t finished going through my photos still, but I’ll get there eventually. I think my next free evening is in about a fortnight…
What I did find time for this month was a giveaway of a new popular-science book called Sensation: the New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Lobel, which you can still enter until midnight tomorrow. It’s a really interesting look at a new area of psychology, though I have a few caveats.
And finally, tomorrow sees the release of the For Books’ Sake poetry collection Furies, which should be a fantastic read as well as raising money for the charity Rape Crisis England & Wales. Check it out.
The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing (My review)
The Quiet War by Paul McAuley
Z: a Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler (My review)
The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe (My review)
Sensation: the New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Lobel (My review)
Improper Stories by Saki
Short stories
“The assassination of Margaret Thatcher – August 6th 1983” by Hilary Mantel (available online)
“In dreams begin responsibilities” by Delmore Shwartz (Selected Shorts podcast)
“The lover of horses” by Tess Gallagher (Selected Shorts podcast)
Here’s to a wonderful October all round.