August reading round-up

I’m posting this a few days late as I’m on holiday, which unusually has so far decreased my reading, not increased it. I think I may be discouraged as I’ve been reading The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing for book club for about three weeks and it’s a huge book so I’m still barely a third of the way through. I wonder how many of us will have made it to the end when book club meets next week? Also, Tim recommended one of his books for me to read on holiday so I’m about a third of the way through that as well. Between them I’m sure I read at least as much as one normal-length book last week!
Still, this week is a quiet one with the in-laws, so I’m hoping to get plenty of uninterrupted reading time. As long as I don’t get too distracted by photographing wildlife! More on that next week once we’re home again.
Books read
Sun Alley by Cecilia Ştefanescu (review here)
The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett (re-read for book club)
Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll: the Science of Hedonism and the Hedonism of Science by Zoe Cormier (review over at For Books’ Sake)
Faces of Love and the Poets of Shiraz by Hafez, Jahan Malek Khatun and Obayd-e Zakani (review here)
Fighting on the Home Front by Kate Adie (review here)
Short stories read
“Yesterday” by Haruki Murakami (New Yorker, available online here)
“Picasso” by César Aria (New Yorker, available online here)
“Last meal at Whole Foods” by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh (New Yorker, available online here)
“Apple cake” by Allegra Goodman (New Yorker, available online here)
“You can find love now” by Ramona Ausubel (New Yorker, available online here)
“The waitress” by Robert Coover (New Yorker, available online here)
“The fugitive” by Lyudmila Ulitskaya (New Yorker, available online here)
“The man in the woods” by Shirley Jackson (New Yorker, available online here)
“Box sets” by Roddy Doyle (New Yorker, available online here)
“Pending vegan” by Jonathan Lethem (New Yorker, available online here)
Happy September!