Writing a novel is hard. Really, really hard.
This is not the first time I’ve ever done creative writing. But historically I wrote when an idea struck, whatever time of day or night that might be, a fevered hour or two, then the moment was over. I have an awful lot of disconnected scenes scattered around in various notebooks (I like to write longhand to start with, ideally).
But this year, inspired by friends/very nice people on the internets, plus the vague sense of needing to write creatively (and not having done much of that in the past five years) I signed up to NaNoWriMo, which is essentially a challenge to write a novel in a month, or at least 50,000 words of a first draft of a novel.
I was surprised to find that at first it was relatively easy to fit in writing on work days. I created a slot for it in my daily routine. Weekends and other days off are determinedly unstructured, so that was harder. I like a good lie-in, not getting dressed until mid-afternoon, so it can be hard to make myself switch into work mode and get on with it.
I have to agree with this brilliant blog post that writers are hard to live with. To write, I need to shut everything out for hours on end. It’s not like reading a book where I can be interrupted for a conversation or an offer of/request for a cup of tea. And because I was fitting it around a full-time job and I have limited energy thanks to the delights of lupus I had to drop something so I dropped doing housework, which was delightful for Tim I’m sure (I should point out that Tim has been super-supportive, picking up the slack and encouraging me to write even when it meant we barely exchanged five words a day).
Unfortunately it was all too much and in week two I burned out. I’m not sure if it was a lupus flare or if I will never be able to do that much every day but I felt that zombie feeling come over me and knew I had to stop. So I stopped worrying about word counts and fitting everything else around NaNoWriMo, and just tried to do some writing when I could (not every day). Which means that I didn’t “win” – my final word count yesterday was 31,018 – but that’s 31,018 words of which some might even be reasonably not awful and an idea for a novel that might be an okay one. So for now I won’t just drop it because NaNoWriMo is over. And maybe next year I’ll do some planning before November and try to plan some time off work and make a bit more of NaNoWriMo. Either way, it feels good to be writing again, and that was really the point.
Well done for trying and for getting over 30K! That is not bad at all, given your full-time work and your chronic illness. In fact, I think that is really good.
I did make it, procrastinated so I had 1,500 words to write still on the last day but I don’t work and I have a chronic illness that hardly ever shows its face.
I’m also planning to work on the novel in the coming months. My story actually finished at 49,100 words but I know that I have a lot of “summarized” sentences where I should really expand to make it a nicer story.
Good luck with the continuation of your novel!
Well done for doing as much as you did. You’re right, the point of the exercise is to get writing, not necessarily to get a fully formed book out of it.
I’m amazed anyone manages to write that much in such a short space of time whilst having a job.
Roll on next year, then 🙂
Judith Wow, well done on finishing! That’s impressive. Good luck with the redrafting.
Lillput Thank you.